Carthage Alma Mater

Dear Carthage, school of storied fame,
Thy glory we would sing;
Thy sons and daughters near and far
To thee their homage bring.

We see thee stand ‘mid stately oaks
Where gulls sweep through the air;
We watch the waves of Michigan
Caress thy campus fair.

Our days within thy hallowed halls,
Alas, too soon shall fly,
But we shall ever cherish thee
With love that will not die.

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Live Forever, Carthage College

Representing Carthage classes through 1964

Looking far o’er Hancock’s prairies
Rising from the plain,
Monuments to years of wisdom
Stands our dear Old Main.
Campus fair and buildings stately
Look from every side,
Evergreens to mark your gateway
Guard your portals wide.

Every year when days of autumn
To the fields return,
Back your children come to numbers,
Back your truths to learn.
What the wonder that they later
Leave your halls with tears?
Here were formed those grand old friendships
Lasting years and years.

Many climes have claimed your children,
But from distant lands
Still they heed when Alma Mater
Beckons or commands.
Live forever, Carthage College
Growing all your days!
Ever worthy of our honor,
Meriting our praise.

Glory to the Heav’nly Father,
Glory to the Son,
Glory to the Holy Spirit,
Blessed Three in One!
May our fathers’ God to Carthage
Loyalty impart;
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
Reign in ev’ry heart!

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